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Traffic Control Systems and Parts
3" round, 5x7 frames, 9x12 frames, 9x15 frames
Integral cast 5x7 assemblies
5x7, 9x12, 9x15 signs with EG sheeting
4" pole standoff kits for 9x12, 9x15 frame pushbuttons
Threaded: Both ends, one end, unthreaded
Minimum length: 6"
Painted or unpainted
With/without endcaps
Aluminum or Iron
Aluminum/Steel 4" poles, pole caps
Plastic clamp on base for 4" pole, gray
Power installed anchors
Pole reinforcing collars, anchor bolts
General purpose (A,C,D), P44 Controller, Battery boxes
Different cover legends available
4",6" top of cabinet fan assemblies
Replacement box fans
One part, two part sealant (tubes and pails)
Diamond saw blades
Backer rod
Tools and nozzles